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Recreational fishing rules in Queensland - Tidal waters Old fishing reports from 2000-2006
Peel island fishing well FISHING TRIP 04-02-2012
We headed out to Peel island with two boats and fished the wreck on the Southern side of the island it was a run out tide and no sooner we arrived the fish came on the bite. Robert and Barb cleaned up with 6 nice Mowongand 1 Flathead at 65 cm while Pauline and myself only caught 2 Sweetlip one 30cm and the other 35cm all in all a great afternoon and a nice esky full of fish.
Peel island fishing well FISHING TRIP 28-01-2012
We headed out to Peel to give the new boat a run it's alley craft 4.10 with a 30hp mercury outboard motor we fished the wreck and caught 3 nice fish one squire and 2 Mowong in about 1 hour before we headed to the beach for a swim and a bite to eat.
Reported by des kenyon
Four wheel drive reef off Bribie Island FISHING TRIP 2-01-2012
Reported by Des Kenyon NORTHWEST ISLAND FISHING TRIP 24-4-09 TO 25/4/2009 We headed out 75km to Northwest island from Gladstone harbour on Saturday morning at about 6.30am after traveling for about hour and a half we stop on a patch of reef about 10km from the island and started catching coral bream one after the other ideal for flesh baits . After a few hours of fishing we had 11 nice fish on the esky and proceeded to the island for some lunch and a snorkel over the reef. In the afternoon we had a look around and tested a few new spots ready to do some night fishing. I landed one oversized chinaman fish the gave me a good work out only to be thrown back. As night fell we tied up the two boats ready for dinner and just as the sun went down the wind started to howl and did not stop, so we decided to anchor up and stay close in close to the reef to get out of the rough seas. The noise of the waves smashing over the reef during the night was a little freighting but we stayed safe by not moving and By morning the wind had died down so we moved the boats together and had some breakfast before heading out again. We started fishing along the edge of the reef and landed another 20 nice fish before lunch after a quick bite to eat we headed home with the esky's full. It was a great weekend all round. Ian's boat caught about the same amount 32 fish giving a total of 63 fish for the two boats for the weekend. FISHING REPORT BY DES KENYON
Innisfail Fishing trip 25 04 09
bit of
by-catch in the form of Red Emperor and Silvers (Saddle Tail Sea Perch). and with luck we might get the odd tuna and hope of hopes a marlin. Unfortunately the water out wide was 27.5 degrees and there was very little
surface action with no
tuna or marling on the menu. were on the chew. We trolled up Four Spaniards and two sharkie (Scaled ) Mackerel, along with two Trevally and a barracuda in what was a wild one and a half hour session. One rig that excelled is the Bibbed bait rig loaded with a garfish and smoked through the water, you could almost hear the Mack's
teeth chattering in anticipation. The strikes came thick and fast with many
strikes failing to hook up and one large Spaniard lost just out of gaff range.
rough country in 68m of water and had a good look about it with small bumps and
the odd fish or two showing on the sounder. a big Red, Dan reckoned he had never had a fish pull so hard, I reckon that is understandable cause he comes from a place where they have to bash a hole
in the
ice, and warm the beer up before they commence a fishing trip. the bottom, fed a little slack and jammed in a rod holder to await the great moment. And it came sooner than later in the form of a 19lb head shaking, line
red that eventually succumbed to a wilting angler.
t earlier
that day, 7 reds averaging 14lb, 5 Silvers averaging 10lb and a couple of
Spangled Emperor for good measure. effort. I put on a pair of gloves and gave some assistance while Dan gave a running commentary on the gains were making courtesy of the sounder. This thing was BIG and I was hurting, my primary concern was getting as much braid back on the spool as possible. Fifteen meters from the surface we had
a glimpse of what
looked like a huge tail wrapped shark seconds before the line parted, thank
Heron island and beyond. 14/11/2008 A great weekend had by all we headed out from Gladstone harbor at about 5-30am on the 14/11/2009 heading for Heron Island the trip took a couple of hours to arrive at our first fishing location and it was not long before I had landed a large king fish what a great start to the trip. But the space in the esky's was limited and they were full of ice and food and some cold beers so we had to fillet him straight away. We spent the next few hours searching for some good spots to fish on the sounder and just having a good look around as this was our first trip into the area. As the afternoon approached we headed into Heron Island as we had arranged to fill up the boats at Heron Island after filling the boats with 450 liters of fuel we were ready to go and do some night fishing. This is when we hit the big reds so it was a good night and well worth the effort. After a good nights sleep we had a quick dip near one of the reefs in the morning as you can see in the picture it's just beautiful out here the trip home so great with the ocean as flat as a tack can't wait for the next trip.
FISHING REPORT by Des kenyon Fishing the jumping pin 4/7/2008 by Terry Wootley A night to forget we headed down the pin in the hope of finding some nice Bream the weather forecast was for rain on Saturday but it arrived on Friday night we had caught 5 fish by about 6.30 pm and it was looking good but as dark fell the fish cleared out and the rain and wind started. We fished until 1130pm and decided to call it a night as we had only improved our catch by one more fish. our best was 28cm
Fishing the Tweed coast 13/5/2008 with Cushy Fishing charters I was on Cushy fishing charters. The floater went off. Pilchard as bait with about 6 ball sinker. It really wasn't really my turn on the "special rod" but no one else moved so Kyle the skipper said "Derek get that". I didn't have to be asked twice. grabbed the rod and straight into the gimble. Felt the weight and knew I was on a good fish. Hoping against hope it might be a cobia which is number 1 on my hit list. Has been forever, never landed one. 10 minutes into the fight I am gaining heaps of line but still feeling the weight, runs are dying from the fish. This isn't a cobia. We have colour after about 12 minutes, lift and wind. "Nice kingy". 'Bullshit" from the skipper, " big knobby". I saw the fish and the adrenaline really kicked in. I have never seen a Snapper this big let alone landed one. the fish is on it's side, it's had enough. pump and gently wind to the net. In the net and on the deck, the boat has erupted with cheers and I am over the moon, hands shaking. I have just caught possibly my once in a life time Snapper. The whole boat is cheering. What a magnificent fish. Estimated weight is 10 kg which is one hell of a Snapper with a huge knob on the head: the fish's signature. Back in harbour later the fish was weighed at 10.5 kg.
We had a day of quality not quantity. Also caught was a 4.5 kg Spangled Emperor ( yellow sweetlip), several large slatey Bream ( mother in law fishes) , and a few nice parrot and pearlies. Reel Fishn were fishing the same area and caught lots of Parrot and pearlies but nothing real big. Just proves that fishing has no guarantees but lots of surprises.great day out for me and 3 workmates. Am so glad my mate got the Sweetie.
Fishing the Tweed coast 10/5/2008 with John Ede from Reel-Fishing charters The boys from Telstra advanced services decided to book a fishing trip with Reel-fishing charters organized by Jason Hector. We left the harbor at 6.00am and headed out through the tweed bar our first stop was to collect some bait for the day
We then headed down the coast to chase some king fish but they never turned up but Kevin did land a small amberjack. As allways the weather was against us and the wind never let up which caused us to drift in the wrong direction. After giving this an hour or two we headed back to the nine mile reef where we started to caught some nice parrot fish and some other small reef fish. A nice parrot 6.5 KG caught by Des kenyon one of the biggest for this area
all in all we had a great day even if the fish did not want to play. FISHING REPORT BY DES KENYON ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Innisfail fishing WEEKEND 28/2/2008 Oh by the way there must be something about that 200lt esky with the soft lid. I have been fishing with it twice and filled it both times. Last trip, Sunday we (3 of us) left harbor at 5 am and had it full by 9.30 am and that is with an hours run to get there. Bloody tough eh?
27/1/2007 Small snapper around green buoy at Mud Island and only 3 good sized sand crabs to report FISHING REPORT BY DES KENYON
Innisfail fishing WEEKEND 24 TO 25/11/2007 We left Mourilyan harbor at 10am and headed out directly into ideal conditions in a 16ft side console tinny, our first spot I had fished previously was the sunken trawler, offering some protection to a-lot of fish, we then headed 27km out from home to the start of the reef. After a bit of popper action we headed out to the 60km mark chasing some reds what a weekend We just had a great weekend with Garry fishing out on the barrier reef. We caught the last plane out of Brisbane and arrived in Cairns at 1230pm on Friday night we arrived in Innisfail at about 1.30am in the morning and went straight to bed, after a few hours sleep we got all the gear and the boat ready and headed out for a fun filled day testing all the new gear. We left Mourilyanharbor at 10am and headed out directly into ideal conditions in a 16ft side console tinny, our first spot I had fished previously was the sunken trawler, offering some protection to a-lot of fish, we then headed 27km out from home to the start of the reef. After a bit of popper action we headed out to the 60km off shore to the outer reef in a 4.9m tinny and the fishing was fantastic. We caught lots and lots of fish using all of our lures, and we tested the new high speed Medallist reels they are fantastic. We were hauling in large sized bludgers one after another and double hooks up were common. The 7 ft pelagic and the Shakespeare pink ugly sticks had a great work out and they worked a treat when matched to the 10 ball bearing Medallist reels. Here are some of the fish caught on the weekend below. one thing is for sure our range gear worked a treat we were using our 50lb braid with 80lb leader line on the g50 and g40 contender rod and reel combo’s while bottom bashing for the reds and large sweetlip.Here is a bludger caught on 33lb geisha with our 90g mackerel lures these were caught jigging up from the bottom we also used the chrome dancers and had lots of fun until our arms were sore from fighting fish.
FISHING REPORT BY DES KENYON SEND US YOUR fishing REPORTS TO BE INCLUDED HERE 29th OCT 2007 I caught this one on the weekend using the G40l loaded with the green mono line from Platypus mounted on an old game rod from my chartering days. I was impressed with the drag system on the Pfluger, it didn't miss a beat although it almost killed me. My mate grabbed it by the tail and lifted it aboard for photos before being released. I haven't seen a yellow fin this big up our way. Normally they are around the 15 to 35lb mark. This fish would have weighed over the 20kilo mark.
24 Toyota classic 19th - 25th may 2007 We had a great trip to the 24th Toyota fishing classic we headed up one day early and set up camp. There were 15 guys in the Australian Capital fishing team in our camp with 4 boats and 6 cars & one caravan. The weather was great and we fish every day for a full week.
this was a great camp to unwind in and enjoy the week
see you all next year
SOME NICE FISH CAUGHT BY Karen and Derek Jones 21/4/2007
SOME MACKEREL CAUGHT BY GARRY ON THE SHAKESPEARE Attached are photos of the Mackerel caught on the Medallist. Nathan caught the one held in his left hand, the larger ofthe two and in the second photo Joe is holding the one he accounted for in his right hand. All three lads are from Newcastle and are up here doing re-construction work post Cyclone Larry
a couple of fish we cautght last weekend. We filled the 150lt esky in 2 1/2hrs in miserable conditions, cold, wet but not a lot of wind, you are meant to feel sorry for me.
Macko 10 kg & Lacklan Morris. Silver Nanny & Robert Shinn
Fishing KURUMBA by Garry Nichols 19/6/2006 One Queenie on the first day with the above then the weather turned messy. Next day I woke up to find two rods missing from the boat. The Pfluger 9000 spin reel coupled to an 8' pelagic that I had not used although I had lent it to a bloke on board as his gear was crap. Also lost a HA3000 loaded with braid mounted on my late fathers Shimmano Bull whip. They new what they were after as they picked up another blokes combo from a rod holder and placed it back on the boat floor choosing instead my Reel-Em In gear. It goes to show that even thieves have taste.
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