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LOOKING AFTER YOUR FISHING NEEDS SINCE THE YEAR 2000 now with a bigger and better range for 2022
BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY JOIN THE WINNING TEAM Recreational fishing rules in Queensland - Tidal waters REEL-EM-IN FISHING GEAR AUSTRALIA TRADING SINCE YEAR 2000 Head office is located at Browns Plains Phone: (07) 38030700 Taking the retailing of fishing gear out of the retail chains and Bait and tackle stores and into the lounge rooms and lunch rooms of every day Australians. FISHING GEAR SOLD ON LINE OR BY CATALOGUE OR BY PARTY PLAN FREE RODS-FREE REELS-FREE TACKLE HOST A FISHING TACKLE PARTY AND RECEIVE FREE GIFTS TO THE VALUE OF 10% OF TOTAL PARTY SALES WE CARRY A GREAT RANGE OF FISHING GEAR
Ground Floor Business
Opportunity ·
Be one of the first to operate your own mobile
fishing gear retail business · Full training and company support provided. ·
Full range of top quality rods ,reels, fishing
line, lures and tackle ·
Full time or part time, earn a substantial income
limited only by effort A Reel Em In mobile fishing gear specialist. Ph 38030700 or 0407747254 Reel-Em-In” started trading in Nov 2000. We are Australia’s newest entrant in the highly competitive fishing gear retail market. We have been trading now for10 years. We are the fastest growing tackle outlet in Australia and are constantly improving our range all the time. We offer great valve products at the right price and all of our range has been thoroughly tested before we release any new products to the market. Reel-Em-In is taking the retailing of fishing gear out of the Bait and tackle shops and retail chains, out into the lounge rooms and lunch rooms of every day Australians. Matched with this is a dynamic marketing plan that will give the opportunity to every day Australians to own and operate their own mobile retail business without the huge expenses normally associated with the retail industry. A Mobile Reel-Em-In specialist can either trade full time or part time depending on their circumstances with an opportunity to earn a substantial income. The sales strategy is based on two tried and tested marketing methods, Catalogue sales and Party plan. There are,however,a lot of “bells and Whistles” added that make the Reel-Em-In concept unique. A substantial 38 page catalogue has been developed that displays in full colour the whole product range. Used in conjunction with the “Reel Em In” sales format , is a powerful selling tool. A video has been produced showing all of the “Reel Em In” gear in use and this forms a back drop for “Reel Em In” fishing gear “parties”. Suffice to say there are boundless opportunities for a for “Reel-Em-In” fishing gear “parties”. Suffice to say there are boundless opportunities for a mobile specialist to earn a sizeable income limited only by effort. The product range that has been developed is particularly good. Four classes of fishing are catered to, Estuary, Surf, Bait casting/Spinning and Pelagic,/Bottom bouncing and trolling. There are three Estuary 2 PCE models, a 6' , 8’6” and 10’. All are slow taper and super sensitive. There are two Surf models, an 11’6” light surf and 12’ medium surf. Both rods are characterized by their light weight, sensitive tip action and strength. We also have three 1Pce custom built rods on Snyder Glass blank to suit the Alvey fisherman 10ft 12 ft 13'6 surf rods. State of the art technology is used in our Reef and Pelagic series rods. The 5' 6" , 6’6” Reef and 7’ Pelagic, 7' spin stick are solid tip glass fibre with an Epoxy carbon wrap for added strength. The 8’ Pelagic has a Carbon woven wrap for added strength. The Reels made for these rods come from Haibo in China. Haibo is one of the larger reel manufactures having supplied Europe for many years. Four spinning reel models are characterized by their smooth operation , 4 ball bearings, polished alumina spool, balanced rotor and handle and anti corrosive body. HA1000 HA3000 HA5000 HA6000 Three overhead/Baitcaster models have 3 and 5 ball bearings, stainless steel line feed, centrifugal brake, multi disc drag precision gears. Added to this is a full range of monofilament fishing line, tackle and a host of ancillary lines like bags, tackle boxes and Knives just to name a few. What’s on offer is truly a mobile tackle shop and the best part is yet to come, price. The Reel-Em-In directors have been able to source all of the gear at unbelievably low prices. Add to this the low costs involved in delivery to the market means that the savings are passed on to the customer, All the rods, reels, line and tackle are on average two thirds the price that you would expect to pay at popular retail outlets. The end result is a business opportunity for fisher people to own their own mobile retail operation selling great quality gear at unbelievably low prices and earning a substantial income or just buying their own fishing gear at a reduced price.
COMPANY DIRECTORS Robert Lang Barry Parker Desmond Kenyon PHONE: 38030700 PH: 0413740344 PH: 0407747254 So if you want to start catching more fish make sure your using Reel-em-in fishing gear as it's the gear that catches more fish.
If you Book a FREE tackle party You will recieve A Free lure kit Free HA 6000 Fishing reel, Spare spool complete with 500m of fishing line just for having the party PLUS The host also get to spend 10 % Of The Total Party Sales on FREE Fishing Gear for yourself so ring now and book your party today $2000 PARTY = $200 IN FREE GEAR + A FREE REEL OR LURE KIT EVERYONE AT THE PARTY THAT SPENDS OVER $50 ALSO RECEIVE 10% IN FREE PRODUCTS THAT'S FREE HOOKS -FREE SWIVELS-FREE LURES