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Recreational fishing rules in Queensland - Tidal waters
Fishing KURUMBA by Garry Nichols 19/6/2006 One Queenie on the first day with the above then the weather turned messy. Next day I woke up to find two rods missing from the boat. The Pfluger 9000 spin reel coupled to an 8' pelagic that I had not used although I had lent it to a bloke on board as his gear was crap. Also lost a HA3000 loaded with braid mounted on my late fathers Shimmano Bull whip. They new what they were after as they picked up another blokes combo from a rod holder and placed it back on the boat floor choosing instead my Reel-Em In gear. It goes to show that even thieves have taste.
Fishing North of Bowen by Jamie Mctagget 20/2/2006
Fishing by Adre at Hervey Bay 12/2005
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fishing at Port Albert by Neville Lowe 29/10/2005
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Report by Robert Lang Fishing at twin bridges 5/2005 The Telstra boys while on a canoe trip down the Brisbane river camped at twin bridges over night and tried their luck at fishing here is the winner for the competition . Mark Hardy with his prize getter
Try using bait next time and leave the yellow cans at home. I HOPE IT WAS A CATCH AND RELEASE AS WE LIKE THEM A BIT BIGGER Report by Des Kenyon Fishing trip out off Stradbroke Island 29/4/2005 The start of the Bush & Beach family fishing classic. The weather was forecast for light winds and that's what we got. The jumping pin bar was dead flat as we headed for the bait fish grounds. Once here we located the bait fish and soon had enough for the mornings fishing. It was then off to the pinnacles to see if we could catch a prize winning snapper. As it turned out we never did get that prize winner but all in all the snapper of a good table size and we filled the ice box with a nice feed.
Report by Des Kenyon Fishing trip out of Bribie Island 24/3/2005 Report by Des Kenyon Fishing trip out of Harvey Bay 27/11/2004 Weather winds from the south east 15 km we headed to the top end of Fraser Island our first stop was at Platypus bay where we picked up some mackerel. We then headed up to Rooneys point to get out of the wind here we caught some squire a large morwong and some more Mackerel 13 in total not a bad trip . The mackerel were caught on the troll with Prince lures or while bottom fishing
Report by Barry Parker Fishing trip out of STRADEBROKE The boys were into the Snapper again 10/2004 nice Parrot
--------------------------------- Report by Barry Parker Fishing trip out of Bundaberg The boys were into the reds and the sweetlip again 9/2004
Report by Wayne Lang Hideaway bay 1/3/2004
Some nice reef fish caught, The Spangled
Emperor weighed in at just under 6 kilos ..(and that was after
it was gutted ).
"thats the biggest fish
I've ever caught "
----------------------------- Report by Brian Harris 9/2/2004
Hi Barry
Caught these two gummies in western port with 7ft pelagic and pices reel with
20lb monofilament line and 4/0 nickel-beaked hooks, had great battle with a
4-5ft stingray, rod/reel preformed great.
--------------------------------------- Reflections from Innisfail 9 Jan. 04 It is now 2004 and I find my self with a little spare time on my hands. I’m coming to the end of a couple of weeks break from “The Job”, the boat motor is suffering from stress (gearbox), the board of directors (wife) is away caring for her 93yo Dad, while the apprentice director (daughter) is getting some beauty sleep in preparation for another party. Of course yours truly is required at midnight or there about, to chauffeur said apprentice and mate’s home. To top it off the first Day-nighter clashes with said party (well Dad they could re-schedule the game) so nary a drop of the heavy stuff will pass my lips due to the needs of the apprentice. Two nights ago Stan (mate and father to apprentice No 2) and I along with a work associate from Townsville headed out to the wide grounds off Innisfail in search of Red’s. Accompanying us in their own rig was Ray (father) and Brett (son), Reel-em-in customers in search of their first ever Red Emperor capture. Upon leaving I suggested to apprentices they may wish to stay up until after midnight and assist with the cleaning of fish and equipment when we arrived back home. Now being exceptional apprentices we received the standard Board of director’s reply of, don’t disturb us when you get home, we have plans for tomorrow (shopping) and we will need all the rest we can get along with a substantial injection of funds, just to make the effort worth while. Now I thought we males were the hunters and gatherers, you know the predators; perhaps it has something to do with thechanging weather pattern (EL- Ne-fem-dominance) or the New Year! We left Mourilyan harbor at 5pm and headed out directly into a short, sharp, easterly chop. Not the most comfortable of seas to traverse in a 16ft side console tinny, so we changed course for a spot I had fished previously, offering some protection, 27 miles out from home. We both dropped pick just on last light at the same mark only meters apart, the problem was we didn’t hold, whilst Ray and Brett did. As we drifted over the mark Stan hooked up on a good head shaker (possible Red) only to have the hook pull 20 ft off the bottom. The same thing happened to him on the very next drop, it was then he checked his hooks only to discover he could have ridden to Bourke and back on the point and not broken the skin. Needless to say Brett cracked his first red of around 12 pounds and Ray chimed in with a smaller one, they also put a couple of nice Spangle's Spangled Emperor) on board and released a big cod and didn’t they let us know. All we could muster from some 30 yards off the mark (where the anchor finally hooked) was three respectable Spangle’s, caught by yours truly. A move was called for by Brett as he now had his first Red Emperor on board and was keen to top up with some Nannygai, we weren’t about to argue. So back toward the coast we went with a couple of unproductive stops on the way. The spot we were heading for is a small patch of rubble in 35m (yeah I can use metric), a once over with the sounder showed the fish were here so down went the pick. The first fish, a small mouth nannygai (50cm) was on board courtesy yours truly within five minutes, a bit unusual for this spot, usually only takes a minute. On our boat the action was hotting up when Brett gave us a call on the 27meg skiting about a 20lb Silver Nanny (Large Mouth Nannygai) he just caught (turned out to be about 14 lb, still one prized fish), don’t you just hate it when an invited guest not only beats you but has the temerity to let you know in no uncertain terms. Bret did however say that the action was rather quiet. Just the info I required, so half an hour later I informed him we were showing our hooks to do a count so as not to exceed our limit, talk about bite, the swiftness and ferocity was equal to that of a large Mackerel, Id have to say it was the best bit that night. with seven fish each to 60cm while Ray and Brett out did us in the quality stakes courtesy of Brett’s two trophy fish.One couldn’t ask for more on a balmy tropical night, a fair sea, good mates and some healthy fishing. Sea ya out there.
Report by Shane Cunningham
The snapper have started to run up the bay and are being taken up to 10kg on
sauris,squid and fresh fish fillets.
King George whiting are starting to show up in large numbers and being taken
on bass
yabbies and pippies
Gummy and school sharks to 6 feet also around
A few salmon still around being taken on lures and fly the whiting are
starting to show up
along with the odd gummy shark and snapper.
A few perch and flathead to 2.5kg have been reported
around the snags and around the horse shoe.
If your down this way drop in and have a look at
our range of REEL-EM-IN fishing gear
Shane Cunningham
e-mail tabshane@telstra.com
address 298 White Rd Wonthaggi 3995
Report by Des Kenyon Great fishing trip out of Bundaberg We headed out from the port at about 11am on the 23/11/2003 on our way back to Brisbane and stopped for 2 hours to do some reef fishing over a gravel patch. There was a good show of fish on the sounder so we did some drifting and it wasn't long before we started catching some nice fish Red Emperor Sweet lip and Parrot ---------------------------- Fraser Island 24/98/2003-31/8/2003 The weather was great and the house we stayed in Orchid Sands was fantastic plenty of room for 14 people in the house, with room for 6 more in a self contained shed if required. We started fishing on the 25/8/2003 at the beach just in front of the old resort under the palm trees. The fishing was great with a mixed bag of Tailor Dart and Trevally .We managed to catch 658 fish for the week not a bad effort for the amount of effort we put in. The sharks were in the gutters as usual giving you the eye ball as they went up and down the gutter.
We finished up with mixed bag of 686 fish for the week most of these were caught on the following lures The Prince 6cm & 8cm Shad all colours $6.50 The silver and gold Minnow lures $5.00 An the Dandy Mackerel lures and Diver lures FROM $3.75 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fishing report by Andre 3/6/2003 Went out to the 9 mile last Wednesday with a mate, floating pillies near a couple of snapper traps. We had twenty one hook ups for 17 keepers, the smallest being 35cm. Biggest snapper caught on the day was a 6.9kg snapper with a flowery cod of 13kg also being caught by Paul. Trevally and sweep were also being caught on light line. Used the 8ft pelagic with a 6000 reel. Went well. Highlight of the day was watching two whales breaching and frolicking near the boat. Suggestion of the week, 9 mile is looking pretty good at the moment as we are coming up to snapper season and they are certainly on the run but be weary of the tweed bar as we had to end up surfing in. Good fishing tight lines. Andre --------------------- Fishing report by Des Kenyon from the21/4/2003 TO THE 27/4/2003 One week at Burubbra Island just out of Bundaberg What a fantastic week, fishing, crabbing, and just relaxing. We caught 38 crabs and 76 Bream between the 5 of us not a bad score considering the Weather conditions wind , wind and morewind with rain towards the end of the week. It was funny the female crabs were out on the prowl by night with the male crabs coming on during the day. Most of the fish were caught at the beginning of the week with catches of 24 on Tuesday and 33 on the Wednesday with the remainder coming in dribs and drabs.
A friendly and competitive fishing charter was put together by friends and staff of Optical Networks Queensland ( On Que ) and NDC. Tom Cat Charters out of Raby Bay were on the ball with Dave Palermo captaining the boat. Battling the wind and rain all day Dave still put us on to the fish everytime, and between all a mixed bag of over fifty fish were caught, Squire were the bulk of the catch with mixed reef fish like Pearl Perch, Parrot, Wrasse and even Trevally were taken. We also took home two good size Amberjack which were caught on the 37 Fathom mark off Moreton Island and the other at Shallow Tempest. ![]() ![]() report by Greg Fay Moreton bay 15/2/2003 SPOTTY MACKEREL PATCHY 19/11/2002 In the morning we headed out to the bird cages but for some reason only one other boat was out here..... ( I think everyone else new more that we did) as we only boated three small spotty Mackerel and missed one beauty on the surface. The fishing were feeding on the surface but as soon as you got near the school they would disappear. Don't forget the new size limits and bag limits Spotty Mackerel 60cm 5 per person I just hope they can do this when the Ring net guys are about. Until Next time keep catching em
Trawler operators ,SPOTTY MACKEREL & Ring netters 25/1/2002 What a great public holiday, of course it's a Monday the conditions where out of this world. A slight breeze at the boat ramp and the water was crystal clear, Barry Parker myself and his Father Neil had decided to head over to the four beacons or the wrecks in search of some more Spotty Mackerel on the inside of Moreton Island. It's No wonder the fish, crabs and prawns are being depleted in Moreton Bay, as we counted 22 trawlers working every inch of the bay on the way over there. One of the trawlers, we were following was just sorting the catch and I can say that there were no live fish going back, as we all stood there and watched the Sea gulls picking up the dead by-catch. When are these so called Professional fishermen and the Government going to learn that this type of rape and pillaging has to stop..... I believe we need to get behind these fish farmers and make them the best in the world. If managed in the proper way Moreton Bay with the help Government and Environmental agencies could make this the best thing even for us fishermen....Just imagine if they released 5 % of all fish being breed back into the bay, wouldn't that be better than the needless killing that the trawler operators are doing now. Any way back to fishing we only managed to land two Spotty Mackerel at the Wrecks for the morning, so we started heading home, as we got closer to Mud island we saw some boats tied together so we decided to take a closer look. It was Professional fishermen ring netters this time pulling in 3 Mackerel with every one meter of net ( no wonder there numbers are under threat ). We pulled up closer and started watching them and I thought I'd take some photo's of the dead fish in the net. As we watched them one of the guys pulled out a telescope and started looking out to see behind our boat as there was a new outbreak of fish on the surface. We started up the motor and when chasing this school and managed to catch another two fish. With four fish on board we called it a day and headed home. Some how the figures don't add up on who's doing the most damage in the bay. Ring netting to cease in MAY 2003 if there are any left report by Des Kenyon
---------------------------------------------------------- Somerset Dam Report by Frank Trott 112002 Lyn and Frank Trott had a fun day on the Somerset dam in November 2002 with the largest fish caught for the day being a Golden Perch ( yellow Belly) weighting in at 2.9kg at 53cm Frank then caught a nice Australian Bass at 55cm which was released.
TRIP 07/01/03-09/01/03 After an early morning start we arrived at our destination, after a 6-hour drive with the last 70 k’s really being quite rough with nothing but an extremely corrugated dirt road to travel on. We arrived at the property right on the Dawson River mid-afternoon quickly set up camp and got the boat into the water for a late afternoon fish, our target species for this trip was the mighty Saratoga or better known as the Dawson River Barramundi named this due to its ability to put on awesome aerial displays and tail walking antics similar to the Barramundi of the far North. The techniques we would be using were Fly, Spinner bait, Hard bodied lures and Softplastics, we arrived at the first likely looking area and cast spinner baits to the snags this area proved unsuccessful so after about 20 minutes we moved on, we found another likely looking spot at the mouth of a small creek I had changed to a big Bite 3” single tail grub a lure I had quite a lot of success with on Flathead and Mangrove Jack I cast it to the bank side cover when the line stopped and began to race away at a great rate of knots I struck hard and then the Saratoga jumped a good fish of about 55cm’s, after a few anxious moments I had the fish back to the boat for a quick photo and then released him back into the river, we fished till dark and accounted for another
6 fish for the afternoon. After wakening up early we were back on the water by sun up, and I decided to attack the fish on fly so was armed with my Reel-Em-In #6-7 freshwater fly rod with intermediate line and a Dahlberg Diver fly I like thisset up as the fly soaks up the water it becomes sub-surface making it irrestible to the Toga after about 20 minutes I had my first fish to the boat at 58cm’s it proved quite a handful on this outfit should have brought the #8. changed to a spinner bait once again as soon as the lure hit the water the action was on we boated another 20 fish by the end of our first full day of
fishing. On the last day I decided to use soft plastics only and accounted for 3 out of the final 4 fish caught this was achieved by using a Big Bite 3” Shad Carolina rigged and worked slowly along the bottom of the river. After the last session of 4 hours we had accounted for 30 Saratoga, 8 Fork Tailed Catfish and 1 very lonely Yellow Belly, I had a great trip to a great part of Queensland can’t wait for the next trip. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Report by Des Kenyon 4/1/2003 What a Great trip to start the New Year off for 2003 We started out late at 8.30am on the 3/1/2003 to go fishing outside the jumping pin bar, but after hearing the weather was to get up to 15-20 we decided to have a look first. Once we were half way across the bar we decided to it was going to get too rough outside, so we turned around and started asking where else we could go fishing. We had just started sounding a nice little hole near Swan bay when Barry Parker came up to So off we headed for this 65 km Two and half hour trip up to the Four Beacons and up to the wrecks on the inside of Moreton Island.
The views were fantastic Russell and Macleay Island. It was then up past Peel Island , North Stradbroke and then out to the Chain Banks marker and back over to Moreton Island. We pulled up at the Four Beacons and tried to fish but the wind was blowing and the tide was belting out so we decided to move into calmer waters and have some lunch. After lunch we headed back out to the E3 beacon and waited another 3 hours for the tide to turn with only one fish being landed for the afternoon, Things were not looking good. As we drove back towards the wrecks, we could see schools of fish playing in the water and managed to land 2 Mackerel on lures just before night fall, bring our score to 3 fish for the first day. We anchored up in the wrecks for the night and cooked up one of the Mackerel for dinner with Mashed Potato tinned carrots and Peas, a meal fit for a King. After cleaning up the mess,we re-baited our lines and fished here for a few hours before turning in for the night. We got up early and started Chasing the schools of fish, casting lures on the surface and drifting with pilies on the bottom it was not long before we had boated another 3 Mackerel. We keep moving to keep up with the fish and each time we managed to boat a few more, by 9.30 am we had 14 fish on board so we called it a day and started heading home on our two and a half hour trip. (Great trip had by all) But don't tell mum about the fuel bill. (More photo's) Des Kenyon, Barry Parker, Don Haisman, and skipper Ian Haisman. Fish to be shown on Brownies Coast watch 9/1/2003
Report by Steve Brown
Went to the upper reaches of the Brisbane river on Sunday 08/12/02 the weather was magnificent and the water crystal clear, and the temp was exceptionally hot. we decided that we would fish about a 1klm stretch of river where we had caught good Bass in the past, we were using soft plastics once again and both of us were armed with 3" single tail grubs in white we had fished this area before very successfully with white 1/4 oz spinner baits so thought would change our tact but not the colour due to past experience. Fished the area extremely hard but only managed 2 fish for 6 hours fishing both were caught on the soft plastics mentioned but we added spinner bait blades just for the added attraction factor, not a great day fish wise but to fish in this pristine stretch of the Brissy river was a absolute pleasure.
Report from Awoonga Dam by John
Eldred Nov 2002
21/11/2002, the morning following the full moon. A shallow bomber 15A did the trick. The following morning saw the catch improve with a nice 3.2Kg caught 4.20am Friday 22/11/2002, also taken on a shallow bomber 15A.
Saturday 23/11/2002 on a Reidy's Aqua Rat with a shallow bib. Obviously she won't be invited again. There was a retired dairy farmer from Gympie named Francis camped next to me. He'd been there a week and never had a hit from anything except catfish so I asked him out in the boat on the Sunday morning for a final tilt at the barra. We launched at 3.30am Sunday 24/11/2002 and motored out 100m from the ramp and started trolling. At 3.31am I cast out an Reidy's Aqua Rat lure and handed him the rod. As soon as I cast my rod out he got a strike. 15mins later a 17.2Kg / 1020mm Barra was next to the boat.I gaffed the fish (It wouldn't fit in the net anyway) and went to shake hands with him but his hands were shaking already, mind you, so were mine.
What a great fish to end the trip on.
Over breakfast later that morning I had a chat with the better half and secured a leave pass for the full moon in Febuary 2003 to have another go at the barra. See you there. Thursday 23/11/2002 FRIDAY 22/11/2002 Nice Barra Cheryl Nice way to end a trip
SPOTTY MACKEREL HARD TO FIND JUST YET 19/11/2002 We were going to go chasing Mackerel on the Wednesday morning but because of the calm weather conditions we decided to head out on Tuesday night to a small reef just in front of the Bribe Island DPI compound. We were only there for about 10 minutes when all hell broke loose, dads 7' Pelagic rod was bent over to the max with the rod tip touching the water. The Ha 6000 reel loaded with clear 30lb Reel-em-in line was working hard with the drag being tested all the way. The battle lasted for about 20 minutes before any ground was made on the fish what so ever. There were lots of questions flying about wondering what it might of be but it was only when the fish surfaced that we could see it was a beautiful Flowery Cod. The next morning we headed out to the bird cages and only saw two Mackerel landed between 4 boats we missed one strike and only boated a small black tiped shark. Next time we'll catch them. Well due to work commitments and my sponsorship deal through Big Bite Soft Plastics I had not been able to fish as much or when I have wanted too of late, so when the opportunity arose for me to go on a trip with a mate just for fun I jumped at the chance. The area we had chosen to fish was a very small rubbly reef with in swimming distance of one of the local beach’s up here at Bribie, my companion was a dedicated bait fisherman while I was keen to try and jig some soft plastics for our target species of Squire. fish up to a couple of hours after the high. This area only produces decent fish according to my mate at night and on this particular tide due to its relative shallow depth with its deepest point only being 2mtr’s. On arrival he began berlying before throwing out his first unweighted half pillie within about 5 minutes he had his first Squire to the boat a healthy specimen of 48cm’s, he then began to catch a procession of Squire the biggest being 60cm’s and 2 Bream one at 38 cm’s and another at 42 cm’s. walloped by a decent fish I could tell that it was a Squire by the telltale head shakes and the solid runs for cover, I had the situation pretty much under control with the lure attached to 30lb Muscle Braid loaded up on the Reel-EM- IN 7’ Pelagic and the HA6000A after a great little fight I had my first Soft Plastic caught Squire and a fine specimen I must say at 52cm’s. FAUST REPORT by THE BOMBER comp, we ran fifth out of a field of 36 something we were extremely happy with as we both had only fished this dam once before some 2 years ago and finished way down the ladder on that occassion. The fishing was excellent for the week leading up to the comp with water temp although not ideal still had the fish on the chew at around the 24 deg C mark, we struggled for the first day or so trying to subdue these monstrous fish with 25KG's not uncommon once we worked out the system for landing these HOOERS the fish began to come thick and fast. Unfortunately on the comp day 20 to 25 knots of wind moved in and the fish became extremely shy with Brett and myself only boating 2 Sooties mine at 465mm and Bretts a 420mm, we discussed tactics and decided to leave a patch of small barra alone that we had found and to use these only if we were desperate and the wind abated, as the area where these fish were holding was impossible to fish in all but the slightest breeze. Day 2 once again dawned windy so went to another area where we knew fish were but 1 missed strike was it the wind seemed to have dropped a tad so plan B swung into action we went to the small barra haven we had found a few days before and boated 3 fish in 20 minutes a 600mm, 620mm and a 700 after this you guessed it up came the stinking wind. Oh well back to our old haunts casting till our arms felt as if they would almost surely fall off with about 1 hour of the comp remaining The Big Fella hooked an absolute horse of MAMMOTH proportions but this fish proceeded to straighten the 3x strength trebles with ease by the size of the hole this fish left in the water as it escaped this fish was well and truly over the meter mark, but that was it for us with Brett struggling through the pain barrier with a badly poisoined leg courteousy of a Barra spike 2 days before we called it quits. We had success on 4" Big Bite Chateruse Shads as well as a variety of hard bodied lures the tally for the week was around the 50 odd fish hooked with only around 10 boated. This is one of the premier Barra dams in Australia and my belief is that it is the best with fish in excess of 50lb being encountered
regularly I will be back as they say in the classics BIGGER, BETTER and ready to
do battle with the Barra of Faust. SQUIRE ON SOFTIESWell due to work commitments and my sponsorship deal through Big Bite Soft Plastics I had not been able to fish as much or when I have wanted too of late, so when the opportunity arose for me to go on a trip with a mate just for fun I jumped at the chance. The area we had chosen to fish was a very small rubbly reef with in swimming distance of one of the local beach’s up here at Bribie, my companion was a dedicated bait fisherman while I was keen to try and jig some soft plastics for our target species of Squire. fish up to a couple of hours after the high. This area only produces decent fish according to my mate at night and on this particular tide due to its relative shallow depth with its deepest point only being 2mtr’s. On arrival he began berlying before throwing out his first unweighted half pillie within about 5 minutes he had his first Squire to the boat a healthy specimen of 48cm’s, he then began to catch a procession of Squire the biggest being 60cm’s and 2 Bream one at 38 cm’s and another at 42 cm’s. walloped by a decent fish I could tell that it was a Squire by the telltale head shakes and the solid runs for cover, I had the situation pretty much under control with the lure attached to 30lb Muscle Braid loaded up on the Reel-EM- IN 7’ Pelagic and the HA6000A after a great little fight I had my first Soft Plastic caught Squire and a fine specimen I must say at 52cm’s. although the bait did out fish me on this particular evening the tally: bait 10 fish 8 Squire and 2 Bream, Soft Plastics 6 Squire oh well at least my hands didn’t stink of bait. Fishing the the Pinnacles by Des Kenyon 3-7-02 S2250515 E15056785 Central Queensland This was a fantastic trip out from Corio bay, the weather was fine and the only problem was the smoke haze from the fires. We set our GPS for the pinnacles and out we headed for the 21.5km trip. As we got near the spot we could tell that we would be the only boat on the reef. So we decided to take a good look around using our new Lowerance sounder to try ' and pick up a school of fish, which didn't take long. We anchored up over a school of fish and started fishing. It wasn't long before we had lost our first good sized fish (we now know why). I was the next one to hook up and started to bring my fish to the surface when dad said that a big fish you've caught. The problem was that my fish was a small cod, that was just about to be taken by a 9 foot tiger shark. So I lifted the rod and wound it in as fast as I could saving the cod from the shark, but the ' shark managed to chase any chance of us catching fish away as it just kept circling the boat, so we decided to move. There are quite few pinnacles in this area so we anchored up again and it wasn't long before schools of fish started showing up on the sounder. We only managed to catch 11 trevally and one Tuna for the day before another smaller shark about 6 foot long showed up so we called it a day and headed home. I would of liked to of stayed and fished into the night as this looked like a great night time spot. Long island fishing report by Des Kenyon It's a long............story It all started at 10.30am when we put the boat in at Shute Harbor, the wind was blowing at around 20 knot. So here I was standing at the boat ramp trying hold the 4.95m Coast ranger for 20 minutes against the waves, while Barry parked the car in the secure car parking station for the week. When he arrived at the boat we pushed the back out and he started the motor all was well, but with a push and a shove off out we went only to find that the motor would only idle and we had no acceleration. So back around to the next boat ramp near the barge jetty we put the boat up on the beach to try and fix the motor or see what was wrong, this was a great start as the girls had left for the Island on the 11.00am catamaran for the Island so we were on our own. After about 1 hour of playing around we reloaded the boat back on the trailer and headed up to the garage to see if we could fix the problem on dry land. I was soaked to the bone by this stage. After another hour we had the throttle cable all bound up with black tape and sticks, we thought the problem was solved, so back to the water and off we go. This time we had about 10 more rev's above idle so we decided to troll fishing lines from Shute harbor to Long Island as this was the best we could do. We were only 5 minutes into the trip when I started looking for my rods only to find they were still attached to the ceiling of the patrol back at the car park, so around we go again and beach the boat once more and another wasted 30 minutes getting my rods for the trip. At 1.35pm we managed to head for long Island ,the trip over was rough all the way and the only thing we managed to catch was the bottom once with our lures ....no fish at all. It was about 4.pm when we parked the boat on the beach and took our first look at long Island. It's a great place to stay, the rooms are comfortable and the whole place has a friendly atmosphere and the staff bend over backwards to look after all your needs. Our fishing was limited because of the motor problems and the wind never stopped blowing under 20 knots for the whole week. Even with these problems we still had a great time and managed to catch some nice small sweet lip for the week, just close to the resort. One afternoon we took Brett Thompson the Manager of Long Island and his son Ben out fishing hoping to catch some more nice Sweet lip but on this occasion Ben was the only lucky person to catch a fish for the afternoon . As to the fishing we wanted to do, well that's another story. we'll have to try again The last two pictures are at fishing feeding time at the jetty 22/6/2002-30/6/2002 GOLD COAST REPORT 8/6/2002 Des Kenyon We headed out to the 24's straight out from the sea way for a nights fishing, it was all ready dark and you could see several lights in he distance when we got near the other boats we came across a good show of large fish on the sounder so we decided to anchor up and see what happened. Well we fished well into the night with only 2 trag jew on board by about 11.30pm so we decided to move out to green a pastures so off we set. The problem was that after 20 minutes of extra traveling we ended up at the other lights only to find out they were trawlers working (bugger) so back into the 24 we headed right back to the same spot to try again but the tide had slowed and at around 2 pm the fishing started and we landes 8 trag jew 4 nice squire and 3 talior all in all a good trip after a lot of work. Des Kenyon & Barry Parker Bribie Report 26/05/02 Steve Brown Myself and regular fishing partner Randall, fished one of my favourite little creeks off the Bribie Passage on Sunday, what a glorious day very little wind a high tide around the 9am mark so no early start on a cool winters morn AHHHH luxury. Anyway motored to the mouth of the creek and tossed around some 2" Bream grubs in various colours managed a Flathead each, one at 50cm another at 41cm, went quite after these 2 fish so moved to a set of oyster racks once again the Bream grubs did the trick 5 Bream from 25cm's through to 30cm's. Decided to follow the tide right up the top of the creek and work our way out casting at snags and rock bars managed another 4 Bream the largest being 33cm's, slowed down after this so motored over to the canals to finish the morning off caught 3 trevally smallest being 31cm's largest 50cm's.Another great day at Bribie only 1 fish kept the 50cm Flattie and all this in just over 4 hours home for lunch and the footie. Hinchinbrook report 29/04/02- 04/05/02 After the 18-hour drive from my home on Bribie Island it was great to finally arrive at Cardwell in Far North Qld, on arrival I met the mates I had been planning this trip with for the past 12 months. Our accommodation for the next5 days would be aboard a 32ft fully equipped houseboat from Hinchinbrook Houseboats, so after getting instruction on how to operate the vessel and the Do’s and don’ts aboard and what to expect in this beautiful location we set off. Our plan was to fish the Southern end of the channel in the vicinity of the Herbert River and Dungeness Creek, as I had been told this was thebetter option at this time of the year.Our fishing platforms for the week would be my 4.2mtr Clark King Barra a 3.9mtr Quintrex a 5.5 mtr Quintrex Reefmaster and the 3mtr Dory and 6HP motor supplied with the houseboat. As there were 8 of us on this trip thiswould leave 2 to a boat, which is comfortable where fly-fishing is also involved. us over the vast array of sand flats birds could be seendive bombing baitfish, we grabbed the sin sticks and the fly rods and took off in the
direction of this piscatorial smorgasbord. school of fish I cut the motor and used the Minn-Kota to put us into position then fired a cast ahead of the school and retrieved the slug passed the outside edge of the frenzied fishan instant hook-up the fish took off and had the HA6000 drag screaming ,after the initial blistering run the fishslowed down and after a few more short bursts I had a 3kg Salmon in the boat for a picture and then released. This went on for another hour , with all the boys having a ball on the huge numbers of fish all over these flats, the fish were Trevally, Queenfish and Salmon in the 2 to 4kg class as the tide moved further up the channel the bite slowed so it was back to the mother ship for a
celebratory drink. we realized that between the 4 boats on the water we had caught and released in excess of 80 fish, GEE I LOVE
IT WHEN A PLAN COMES TOGETHER. The next morning everybody was up and rearing to go the plan was to fish different areas that we had pin-pointed on the chart, so I headed off to a little creek I imagined would hold fish, after a 30 minute boat trip my fishing partner and I arrived at the mouth of the creek mentioned , as the tide was almost at the top my plan was to head up as far as I could go in my boat and follow the run out tide, casting at any likely looking snags. move we began slowly working our way out of this great looking little creek casting at the millions of snags in the vicinity, after about2 hours of fruitless cast and retrieve we decided to drop anchor have a cuppa and a sanga and re-evaluate our tactics,I decided I was going to change from my Gold Bomber to a Manns 10+ in Gold with a Fire Engine red head my partner decided to go with the Prawnstar lure I had in the top of my tackle box. skipped under the overhangand landed hard up against the bank, as I began the jerky retrieve that all barra seem to love I felt a bit of a nudge through the 30lb braid I was using was it the bottom or a stick when WHACK whatever had taken the lure went absolutely ballistic racing up the creek then back towards the boat I kept the rod low as I had no idea what I had hooked this went on for some moments when all of a sudden a beautiful silver sided saltwater barra leapt clear of the water, I could tell by the size of this fish that in
the 6 years I had barra fished this was the best one to date. when I could feel the Knotted Dog leader I was using scrapingalong underwater obstructions and wondering if my knots would hold, finally the fish came to the side of the boat and was expertly netted by my fishing Buddy a quick photo and a trip to the lie detector and the fish was put back to fight another day, it weighed 11.5kg my biggest yet. released except for 2 and we lost count of the Trevally, Mangrove Jack, Salmon, Grunter Bream and Queenfish we caught, roll on next year the planning has begun. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BRIBIE ISLAND 21/4/2002 SPOTTY MACKEREL & REEF FISH Due no winds on Saturday morning 20/04/02 so we decided to go night fishing on the small reef just out in front of the DPI tanks infront of Bribe island. We landes 4 nice Blackall and one Emperor Not a bad catch before the wind decided to blow and not let up, this forced us back into the bay where we anchoed up for the night for a few hours sleep before heading out to the S1 beacon where we caught one nice Mack tuna and two small spotty Mackerel. All in all another good trip out from Bribe Island. Barry caught the most fish and also scored the biggest Blackall, while mine is still swimming due to the sharp reef which saw me lose a nice fish after a short hard battle. FISH PHOTO'S
Sunday 14/04/02 SOMERSET DAM by Steve Brown Fished Somerset Dam near Kilcoy on Sunday 14/04/02, hit the water at 6am and went straight to the timbers the weather was quite cool with a lot of fog, tossed spinnerbaits and hardbodied lures for close to an hour around fallen timber and old tree stumps also worked a couple of the points using these methods for another 30 minutes for nil. Moved up the dam to Pelican Point a spot that had produced for me in the passed motored around until I found a fairly good show of fish on the sounder in 32ft used a 1/16oz jig head on a 3 inch single tail grub in chartreuse, pulled 5 fish from this school in 20 minutes then all went quite. Not long after this the wind came up so decided to call it a day, a little slow than I would like but hey that’s fishing all fish were released to fight another day all around the 35cm mark except for the one in the photo which measured 38cm.
Arrived home after being away for 1 week in Melbourne on business and with the tide being right and the wind having dropped decided to call my fishing partner and go for a night attack using 1 inch Bream grubs on the lease Bream in Ningi Ck. Got to the leases around 8:30pm and began the cast and retrieve method both of us had become used too Bruce got nailed on the fourth cast and a feisty little bream of 25cm was brought to the boat as this was a fun night we decided that any fish under 30 cm would go back, so back he went to fight another day. After about half an hour things weren’t looking up so moved up the creek to the next lease first cast I got smashed by the fish in the photo a good Bream of 38cm’s, we managed another 12 Bream off this patch of lease but all under the magic 30cm measurement so all were released. All fish were caught using 1 inch soft plastic Bream grubs colour on the night didn’t seem to matter, the tide was on the top and all fish were captured in this first 2 hours of the run out tide.
Due to the strong winds on Sunday 24/03/02 fished up the back creeks of Bribie Island for Mangrove Jack and Bream using soft Plastics and Lures, fished the run out tide the Flattie in the photo fell to a bream grub whilst casting to a steep bank targeting Bream it measured 65cm’s fished for another 30 mins along this bank for little success a few small Bream to 28cms all released. Took the fellow in the photo for his first Jack attack on a Rock bar in a great spot I know have pulled 17 Jack off this set of rocks between October 2001 and March 2002. Dropped 2 excellent fish using Sunshine Minnows in LO1 caught this one using the same lure went 48cms. Trolled out of this particular creek for 3 more smallish Flathead around the 30 cm mark, cast Bream grubs to another mangrove bank for 2 fish both Bream 1 at 31cms and the other at 37cms.
Weather fine as we headed out for the S1 beacon, we were going after those spotty Mackerel that are starting to show up in Moreton Bay. We landed 8 fish for the morning and lost 3 right beside the boat not bad for 2 and half hours work. We were using three 2/0 gangs hooks with a 60lb trace and small Western Australia pilchards. GPS LOCATION E153.15.479 S27.02.319 report by Des Kenyon
Good size Summer Whiting are being caught up in the passage we landed 9 nice fish and one Flathead in 2 hours on the run in tide. We were fishing just out from the entrance to Glass house creek. We had a great Easter weekend 2001 at the Carp busters competition at Beaudesert See the photo's of the fish in the back of the truck ready for the fertilizer plant.
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